Paph. Chouvetii ‘Van Dyke’ (Grown by Veronica Clowes)

President's Message

The Bankstown Orchid Society was formed in 1953 to promote and encourage the growing of orchids in the local area surrounding Bankstown.
Now 68 years on, our society is the largest one in Australia, with members spread through out the state of NSW.
We are an extremely active club, with monthly meetings, autumn, winter and spring shows at local shopping centres, and regular bus trips for our members to get out and about.
Monthly competitions provide eye opening displays of the magnificent range of orchids our members grow, and at each meeting we are entertained and educated by a well known and experienced member of the Australian orchid fraternity.
The Bankstown Orchid Society is well known for it’s hospitality, great suppers, and of course, friendly faces. I’m sure I can speak for the rest of the Committee in expressing a welcome to anyone who may be interested in joining us for a happy evening, and to see just what a magnificent display ‘Nature’ can provide.

Veronica Clowes

Aim of the Society

The aim of the Bankstown Orchid Society Inc. is to promote the growing of one of the most bizarre, colourful, interesting, beautiful and wide spread group of plants in the world, ‘The Orchid’.  Orchids are grown in every country of the world with the exception of Antarctica and the possibility is that the only reason they are not there, is because they have not as yet been found. Orchids range in size from the minute, which require a strong magnifying glass to see and appreciate them, to very large flowers.


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